Elena Cordero Kiernan -
A quick glance…
18 years experience in Pilates & Fitness
Pilates and personal fitness trainer
Functional Training & Injury Prevention
Womens health & Pelvic Health
Golf Specific Fitness - TPI Certified
Back Care / Rehabilitation
Pre & Post Natal
Breast Cancer Exercise Specialist
Amatsu Physical Therapist
Private / Group / Corporate Training
Elena Cordero Kiernan
Elena Cordero Kiernan - A little bit more about me.
Growing up I was always active, from swimming competitively at Terenure College to racing at Guiness Ivy Grounds. I was still training daily when I began working full time in Business Development. I felt I wanted to know more about how to train my body so I started a course in personal training and fitness instruction. It was during this time I first heard of Pilates and it was at that moment I knew I had found a way to train until 80 and beyond! I went on to qualify as a Pilates Instructor.
While instructing a friend, I was blown away by the benefits of Pilates. My friend had chronic back issues and some days could not even get out of bed. We began practiscing Pilates and slowly but surely he became a different person. It was truly Medicine through Movement. The improvements to his mental and physical wellbeing were astounding. And for me it was the realisation that I could actually help make a difference in someones life!
That was 2004….I am now 18 years instructing in Pilates. I have had the amazing opportunity to be a part of so many lives. I have seen the joy on people’s faces as their chronic pain dissipates and other aches and pains completely disappear. I have witnessed a person’s confidence blooming as they stand taller through corrected posture. I have felt the excitement in the disbelief of my older clients realising they can bend down and reach high without losing their balance. I have been an integral part of an athletes stamina increasing and a golfer’s handicap lower. I am one very lucky girl to have had these experiences in my life!
Pilates is all encompassing. It is natural movement. It strengthens and stretches the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body. It builds long, lean permanent muscle. It improves the bodies’ coordination and balance. It corrects posture through movement. It teaches longer, deeper, healthier breathing and therefore feeds the bodies organs with oxygen and blood. It promotes the mind- body connection so much so that Pilates becomes meditation and mindfulness in movement.
I think it’s fairly obviousl….I love Pilates… I love what it does and how it does it! Pilates is for everyone, from the sedentary to the athlete, from the healthy to those affected by chronic illness, either physically or mentally. I truly believe, as I have been part of it, that Pilates can bring to you what it is that you need. Through that connection of mind and body we become aware of the tension we hold and we learn to ease that tension. Inevitably clearing it forevermore and therefore creating space within our minds to achieve what we need. And your body feels the benefits just as much!
My intuitive side began to develop, as it still does. Again I felt I needed to know more on the anatomy and physiology of the human body, so I hit the books for another few years and qualified as an Amatsu Therapist. A Japanese form of physical therapy that balances the body as a whole. I was like a sponge soaking up all the information and connecting it to Pilates movements.
Over the years I have had the wonderful opportunity to work alongside Breast Cancer Survivors. To see the benefit they get from Pilates is a reward like no other. From diagnosis, through treatment, to surgery, Pilates movements helped strengthen their bodies and ease their minds. Again I had to know more so I qualified as a Breast Cancer Exercise Specialist through the Pink Ribbon Programme.
And now here we are - we have launched My Pilates Online in 2020. The Covid 19 Pandemic forced us to consider new ways of delivering our instruction. And then got back to teaching groups face to face the last year.
I am now furthering my studies by delving deep into womens health and pelvic health. It is a wonderful journey that My Pilates has brought me on, from the beginning to right here today.
Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit more about me.
Thank you